Danae Revisited
Measuring approx. 24×24 inches and printed on warm cream gallery stock, this print was commissioned by Queens Of The Stone Age for their show in Boston, Mass. in Dec. 2013.
The theme of the imagery (which will be released as a very limited art print, very soon) is influenced by the work of Viennese artist Gustav Klimt, and his striking piece ‘Danae’ (1907). A subject of Greek myth, Danae often personified divine love and transcendence.
Jermaine says:
“The piece ‘Danae’ is one of my favorite Klimt works. I’ve voyeuristically stared at her for hours, while she sleeps her eternal sleep. Klimt depicts her in peaceful repose, majestic and radiant. And yet, she is still somehow vulnerable. She is untouchable, but somehow attainable. I decided to revisit Danae as a theme. Here, she is lost in a post-modern, exhausted slumber. She is reincarnated, awash in hypnagogic dream trance, and stagnating in the disposable, plastic world of the now. There is no majesty: only regret and a fleeting illusion of comfort. It seemed to fit with the overwhelming theme of time lost and stinging regret in the latest Queens Of The Stone Age album. Don’t ask for whom the bell tolls…”
From a signed and numbered edition of only 35 pieces.